Tata Sky, the largest Direct-to-Home (DTH) operator in India on Tuesday revised electronic programming guide (EPG) numbers of over 15 channels on its platform. The operator on Tuesday revised EPG numbers of multiple Telugu regional channels including Gemini TV, Star Maa and Zee Telugu. Tata Sky has also highlighted that more Telugu channels including ETV and TV9 will have its EPG revisions on Wednesday and Thursday. The operator since early September had consistently changed the EPG numbers of various channels on its platform including the English entertainment along with Bengali, Tamil, Marathi and Kannada regional channels.
Tata Sky Revises EPG Numbers of 18 Telugu Regional Channels
The operator on Tuesday revised EPG numbers of 18 Telugu channels including Gemini Movies, Gemini Movies HD, Sakshi TV, Zee Telugu, Zee Telugu HD, Star Maa, Gemini TV and Gemini TV HD.
Further, the operator on Tuesday also revised EPG numbers of Star Maa HD, Star Maa Movies, Star Maa Movies HD, Star Maa Gold, ABN Andhra Jyothy, T News and Star Maa Music. Tata Sky on its portals also highlighted that Vissa TV, 10TV and TV1 are other channels to have its EPG numbers revised on Tuesday.
Tata Sky to Revise EPG Numbers of 32 Channels from October 7
Meanwhile, the DTH operator is said to revise EPG numbers of 16 Telugu channels on Wednesday including Gemini Life, Gemini Music, ETV HD, ETV Telugu, ETV Andhra Pradesh and TV5 News.
Further, Gemini Comedy, Telugu Naaptol, Bhakti TV, ETV Cinema, ETV Plus, ETV Life, ETV Abhiruchi, Zee Cinemalu, Zee Cinemalu HD and Studio One+ will also have its EPG number revisions on Wednesday.
Tata Sky also highlighted that it will revise EPG numbers of 16 other Telugu channels on Thursday including TV 9 Telugu, NTV Telugu, V6 News, Subhavaartha TV, ETV Telangana and HM TV. Additionally, Raj News Telugu, Aradana TV, Raj Musix Telugu, Swara Sagar, Hindu Dharmam, 99 Percent, 4TV News, SVBC, DD Saptagiri and DD Yadagiri will have its EPG number revisions on Thursday.
The operator since early September had revised EPG numbers of channels like Star World, Zee Cafe, Colors Infinity, Zee Marathi, Colors Bangla, KTV and Udaya Movies.