Bangladeshi telco Grameenphone (GP), a joint venture between Telenor and Grameen Telecom, has inaugurated its first 'Super Core' data center at a ceremony in Sylhet. This data center, boasting Tier 3 Standard accreditation, has an IT capacity of 4 MW, as announced by Grameenphone.
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Super Core Data Center
The construction of the Super Core Data Center, a collaborative effort between Grameenphone and ZTE, commenced in January 2023 and was officially launched on January 30, 2024. Grameenphone emphasised that this data center stands as the largest owned by any Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) in the country.
Technological Advancements and Features
Expressing its vision, Grameenphone said, "This accomplishment lays another cornerstone for a digitally advanced smart Bangladesh. This facility not only confirms our pledge to lead the way in technological innovations but also demonstrates our devotion to putting our customers first in every aspect of our work, guaranteeing a future of technological progress and reliability in delivering superior customer experience."
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"The Super Core Data Center is like the body’s heart. It needs to be safe and healthy to support the business. The data center uses the best and most innovative technology in the industry. It has multiple levels of protection to ensure its reliability," said ZTE Bangladesh.
ZTE added, "It will also be the first private sector Telco Data Center in Bangladesh to meet the Uptime Tier-3 standard. It follows the principles of saving energy and reducing emissions, and it has a smart energy management system that makes it efficient and eco-friendly."
Customer Benefits and Security Measures
The joint statement highlighted that customers will directly benefit from enhanced data speed and service quality, ensuring an exceptional customer experience. The facility assures uninterrupted services, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.
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Utilising NOVEC gas for auto fire suppression enhances safety measures, while a monitoring system with intrusion detection capabilities ensures the security of stored data, safeguarding customer privacy. Grameenphone said this Super Core Data Center in Sylhet sets new standards in technology modernisation.