During the launch of the X7 series yesterday, Realme talked about the Realme Smart Upgrade programme. This effectively showcased a price difference between the regular price and the price if one purchases a phone using this upgrade program, with the Realme X7 going down to Rs 13,999 for the Rs 19,999 variant (6+128GB), Rs 15,399 for the higher variant of the X7 (8+128GB) and, the best deal of them all, at least at initial glance, Rs 20,999 for the Rs 30,000 X7 Pro.
That being said, the company did not fully explain what the Smart Upgrade program is, so we ought to discuss the same.
Realme Smart Upgrade Programme Detailed
The Realme Smart Upgrade programme marks a partnership for popular e-commerce provider Flipkart and Realme. The programme will go live from February 10, with Flipkart's Smart Upgrade programme in tow. As part of this deal, users will only have to pay 70% of the original cost during the user checks out from the cart.
After a year of purchase, the buyer can pay the remainder of the amount so as to keep the previous phone, or, in case the user wishes to upgrade to the next option of the X-series (which will launch in 2022), they can return the current phone and upgrade to the latest X-series device by paying only 70% of the cost.
Customers are also given the option to use discounts and card offers so as to reduce the prices further. As we mentioned, with the Realme Smart Upgrade programme, users can purchase the following devices with the applicable discounts:-
1. Realme X7 (Rs 13,999 for the 6GB RAM variant, instead of the original price, which was Rs 19,999)
2. Realme X7 higher variant (Rs 15,399) for the 8GB variant, instead of the regular price of Rs 21,999)
3. Realme X7 Pro (Rs 20,999 for the 8+128 GB Variant, originally priced at Rs 29,999)
Who is This Plan Meant For?
This plan is most suited for users who are proper enthusiasts of the Realme brand and like what the brand has to offer as part of its X-series of devices. Those who wish to be on the bleeding edge of technology can avail this program, so as to pay less whilst buying the phone. Once the year passes, they can buy the next best X-series device for the same 70% cost.