Realme has introduced a new 4GB+64GB variant of the Realme C12 in India. The new variant will compete with Moto E7 Plus, Poco M2 and the Redmi 9 Prime, which are available between Rs 9,000 and Rs 10,000. The Realme C12 is powered by the MediaTek Helio G35 chipset, whereas the Redmi 9 Prime and Poco M2 are powered by MediaTek Helio G80 chipset. The new variant is already available for purchase on Flipkart and Realme India's official website. Similar to the Realme C12 launched earlier, the new model also comes in Power Blue and Power Silver colours. To recall, the Realme C12 was launched back in August 2020 and it was amongst the first set of phones with Helio G35 chipset onboard.
Realme C12: Specifications and Features
The Realme C12 is a decent budget smartphone, however, it does match Xiaomi and Poco's offerings in the similar price range. The phone has a 6.5-inch HD+ display with a resolution of 720x1600 pixels and the screen is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass technology. As mentioned above, Realme has used the MediaTek Helio G35 chipset on the Realme C12, similar to the Realme C15. After the new variant's launch, the Realme C12 can be purchased in 3GB+32GB and 4GB+64GB models. There's a dedicated microSD card slot as well for storage expansion up to 256GB.
The USP of the Realme C12 is its 6000mAh battery which charges using the Micro USB port at a maximum of 10W. The handset also supports reverse wireless charging feature. Cameras on the smartphone include a 13MP primary shooter, 2MP macro shooter and a 2MP B/W sensor. To the front, there's a 5MP snapper. Lastly, the Realme C12 runs Android 10-based Realme UI out of the box.
Realme C12 at Rs 9,999: Should You Purchase It?
Realme did not upgrade any specifications and the new model just bumps up the RAM and storage to 4GB and 64GB. And it is priced Rs 1,000 higher than the base 3GB+32GB model. At Rs 9,999, the Realme C12 does not seem like a great purchase. There's no doubt the Realme C12 has decent specs on paper. However, at the same Rs 9,999 price, Xiaomi has the Redmi 9 Prime and Redmi 9 Power with much better specs, whereas the Poco M2 packs a whopping 6GB of RAM.
As part of Flipkart's Big Saving Days, the Poco M2 gets another Rs 500 off for HDFC Debit Card users, whereas the HDFC Credit Card users can avail Rs 1,000 discount. If you are looking for a smartphone under Rs 10,000 for this Republic Day, pick up the Poco M2 or the Redmi 9 Prime. If you want a smartphone with Snapdragon chipset, you can also choose the Redmi 9 Power that packs a beefy 6000mAh battery.