It's finally here: one of the most requested and eagerly awaited WhatsApp feature. The long-awaited multi-device capability for WhatsApp is now being added. The new Android companion mode, which enables users to link a new handset with the same account as on the previous phone, has been made available to a select group of lucky beta testers. This effectively means that as a user, you can simultaneously use two different devices with the same WhatsApp account and phone number. This is already available from rivals like Telegram, and WhatsApp, owned by Meta, is also catching up.
WhatsApp Phone Companion Mode Feature and Specification
Some fortunate users of the most recent WhatsApp (beta) version v2.22.24.18 have access to a brand-new feature called Companion mode, which enables them to add a new phone as a secondary device. The feature was discovered by WABetainfo and is now only accessible to a select group of beta users.
Link to Tablet compatibility was recently included in a beta release, and this most recent version now includes phone support for the same. If the function is activated, you will see "Link with your phone" and the app will ask you to scan the QR code, just like WhatsApp Web or Desktop app. To verify if you have the new feature, simply touch on the menu icon and pick "Linked devices”. The conversations will sync between the two devices as soon as you add the phone to your WhatsApp account. It's possible that some functions, including live location, stickers, and broadcasts, won't sync. More than two cellphones can be connected to the same WhatsApp account, as well as up to four devices at simultaneously.
As previously stated, the functionality is now only being made available to a small number of beta testers, but a bigger rollout is anticipated to take place over the next few days.