Vivo has launched the Vivo Y28 5G in India. The smartphone was already in the conversations online as there were plenty of leaks around it. Now, the device has officially made its way to India. It is an affordable smartphone and will succeed the Vivo Y27 which launched in 2023. It is a basic smartphone aimed to deliver 5G with affordability. It comes in two stunning colours - Glitter Aqua and Crystal Purple. Let's see the price of this device and its specifications.
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Vivo Y28 5G Price in India
The Vivo Y28 5G will be available in three memory variants. The base variant would come with 4GB + 128GB for Rs 13,999. The other two variants will come with 6GB+128GB and 8GB+128GB for Rs 15,499 and Rs 16,999. The smartphone will be available in popular retail platforms such as Croma, Amaz0n, JioMart, and others. Now let's take a look at its specifications.
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Vivo Y28 5G Specifications in India
The Vivo Y28 5G comes with a 6.56-inch IPS LCD panel that has an HD+ resolution and support for 90Hz refresh rate. It is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6020 SoC coupled with up to 8GB of RAM. To keep the device going all day long, there's a 5000mAh battery inside with support for 15W fast charging, which isn't as fast as today's standards. The device features a Type-C port for charging and cable data transfers. It will run on Android 13-based FunTouch OS 13 out of the box.
On the rear, there's a 50MP dual-camera setup where the primary camera is a 50MP sensor and the secondary sensor is a 2MP camera. For selfies, there's an 8MP shooter at the front. The device comes with an IP54 rating and supports 5G. It has dual-SIM slots and a 3.5mm audio jack.