Samsung has announced its festive campaign dubbed as ‘Home, Festive Home’ with the company offering its consumers assured gifts and deals across India. The South Korean tech giant is giving consumers cashbacks of up to Rs 20,000 on purchase of select TV models. Adding to this, the consumers also get smartphones such as Galaxy Fold, Galaxy S20 Ultra, Galaxy A21s, and Galaxy A31 for free. The EMI scheme on offer also allows the users to pay as less as Rs 990 per month. But the assured cashback and gifts are on select products only. More on the story ahead.
Samsung India Festive Offer Giving Users Free Devices on Purchase of TVs
Samsung has put a variety of its products such as Samsung QLED and QLED 8K TVs, Spacemax Family Hub, UHD TVs, Smart TVs, Frost Free Refrigerators, FlexWash Washing Machines under the “Home, Festive Home” celebrations.
But for consumers who want a free Galaxy Fold device, they have to purchase the 85-inch, 82-inch, and 75-inch Samsung QLED 8K TVs. Consumers who go for the 75-inch and above QLED TV models will receive a S20 Ultra for no additional cost.
Then there are two more devices which are on offer as a gift from Samsung — Galaxy A21s and Galaxy A31. For getting the Galaxy A21s for no additional cost, the consumers can purchase 55-inch QLED and 65-inch UHD TV models. On purchasing 65-inch QLED, QLED 8K, along with 70-inch and above Crystal 4K UHD TV models, the customers will get a Galaxy A31 for free.
Additionally, Samsung is also offering its consumers a cashback up to Rs 20,000 on purchase of these products. Even the EMI options are as low as Rs 990 per month. The users will also get a three year warranty (1+2 year extended warranty) on the panels of the TV and a 10-year no screen burn-in warranty on QLED TVs. Further, the consumers are also eligible to receive “exclusive deals” on Direct--to-Home (DTH) and Over-the-Top (OTT) subscription platforms with all of the TV models this festive season.
It has to be noted that the festive offer is currently live and with the last day of the promotions currently set for November 20, 2020.