Samsung has just launched its duo of smartwatches in India, the Galaxy Gear and Gear Neo and Gear Fit for Rs 21,900 and Rs 15,900 respectively. Both the smartwatches and the fitness band were launched alongside the Galaxy S5 and all of them were showcased back at the MWC 2014. Let us take a look at the specifications of the the three devices:
Samsung Gear 2
- 1.63 inch SuperAMOLED display with a resolution of 320 x 320 pixels
- Tizen OS is what the watch runs on
- 2MP camera with 720p video recording
- IP67 certification for water and dust resistance
- Bluetooth 4.0 LE, Infrared Blaster
- Heart Rate sensor
- Pedometer
- Health related applications (for monitoring exercises such as walking, running and a lot more)
- 512MB RAM
- 4GB internal storage
- 1GHz dual core processor
- Battery life of 3 days on moderate usage (300 mAh)
- Rs 21,900
Samsung Gear 2 Neo
- 1.63 inch SuperAMOLED display with a resolution of 320 x 320 pixels
- Tizen OS
- 1GHz dual core processor
- 512MB RAM
- 4GB internal storage
- It misses out on a camera like its sibling
- Rest of the features remain the same as per the Gear 2 sibling
- Rs 15,900
Our take: Both of them will connect seamlessly will your smartphone to serve as the perfect companion to your device and help you take calls, read messages, mails and the likes. The Gear 2 weighs 68 grams and Gear 2 Neo weighs 55 grams. So for us, if we were to choose one of the two smartwatch siblings, the Gear 2 Neo makes a lot more sense as it gets rid of the 2MP camera which you wouldn't be using anyhow as it is situated at the rear. Plus, it is lighter as well. So the Gear 2 Neo makes a lot more sense.
Samsung Gear Fit
The Gear Fit is a fitness band and is designed more on the lines of being your true-blue fitness companion. Let us see its specifications:
- 1.84-inch Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 432 x 128 pixels
- It uses a real time operating system which is not based on Tizen or Android
- Bluetooth 4.0 LE
- Pedometer, heart rate monitor and a sleep monitor
- Application and functionality database includes a fitness application, exercise mode, stopwatch, timer, schedule, smart relay, media controller
- IP 67 certification
- It can control your music and ill be able to display notifications from your phone including calls, emails, SMS and from applications as well.
- 210 mAh battery that will last about 3-4 days of regular usage
- 27 grams
- Rs 15,990
Our Take: The Gear Fit comes across as really good fitness band and seeing the fact that there are not many on sale in India as of now, it will surely find itself a slew of takers.