Realme launched its Narzo 30 Pro and Narzo 30A smartphone in the Indian market back in March, but the Narzo 30 handset is still due for the launch. However, the company did confirm that the vanilla variant is in the works, and both 5G and 4G models will make their way to the Indian market. Recently, the company has officially revealed the launch of the Narzo 30 in Malaysia on May 18th, which also hints that the Indian launch is imminent. Now in the latest development, the unboxing video of the smartphone has been posted by YouTuber Mark Yeo Tech ahead of the official launch. The unboxing video has revealed the entire design and specifications of the phone; let’s have a detailed look at the latest leak.
Realme Narzo 30 Design Revealed
The unboxing video of the Realme Narzo 30 revealed that the handset would feature a punch-hole cutout design placed at the top-left corner of the display. The punch-hole design is there to accommodate the front camera setup. At the back, the smartphone seems to feature a rectangular-shaped triple camera module along with an LED flash aligned at the top-left corner of the rear panel.
A Narzo branding is also noticeable at the vertical strap with an arrow pattern at the back panel. On the left chassis, the phone features volume rocker keys, and on the right, it has the power button. The fingerprint scanner is embedded in the power button for security. The smartphone seems to arrive in a silver colour option.
Realme Narzo 30 Specifications and Features (Expected)
The Realme Narzo 30 might feature a 6.5-inch FHD+ LCD display with 90Hz refresh rate and 580nits of peak brightness. Under the hood, the handset is expected to be powered by the Media Tek Helio G95 SoC, clubbed with up to 6GB RAM. It is expected to run on Android 11-based Realme UI 2.0 skin out of the box.
As far as cameras are concerned, the handset is tipped to launch with a 48MP primary camera sensor clubbed with a 2MP macro lens and a 2MP B&W sensor, along with an LED flash. Upfront, it is expected to house a 16MP camera sensor for selfies and video calls. The handset is expected to pack a 5,000mAh battery with 30W fast charging support. It would be interesting to see at what price the company is planning to launch the smartphone in India and when.