After ages, Oppo has launched a smartphone with sensible pricing in the Indian market. The Oppo A71 (2018) which was launched a couple of weeks ago in Pakistan today made its way to India, and it's priced at Rs 9,990. And for the asking price, it offers Snapdragon 450 chipset, and at the same time, it became the first phone under Rs 10,000 to offer the Snapdragon 450 SoC. The device is already up for sale on e-commerce portal Flipkart. It will be available in two colour options- Gold and Black.
Oppo A71 (2018) Specifications and Features
The Oppo A71 (2018) has a 5.2-inch HD display and offers unibody design. The device measures 137grams and 7.6mm in thickness. The highlight of the Oppo A71 (2018) is the chip underneath. Oppo has managed to offer Snapdragon 450 SoC under Rs 10,000, and for the asking price, the device is a value for money proportion even though it has a 720p display.
Commenting further on the launch, Will Yang, Brand Director, OPPO India, stated, “We invest immense focus on bringing our fans and consumers the best photography experience together with exquisite design. We have been leading the Selfie industry in the Indian market with our products for which we have received an overwhelming appreciation, especially from the youth. With the launch of OPPO A71(3GB), equipped with AI Beauty Technology and stronger performance we are confident to take our efforts a step-ahead in our selfie journey.”
The Oppo A71 (2018) comes with 3GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. Interestingly, Oppo is also selling the MediaTek MT6750 variant of the Oppo A71 (2018) in the country for the same price. Both the variants differ only in terms of the chipset. The Snapdragon variant comes with 16GB of internal storage, which is the only bummer as other phones offer double the storage.
Another highlight of the Oppo A71 (2018) is the Artificial Intelligence-based Beauty Recognition technology powering the 5MP selfie camera on the front. At the rear side, there's a 13MP sensor with f/2.2 aperture. There's a Face Unlock mode which helps in unlocking the phone with your face.
This phone boots Android 7.0 Nougat based Color OS 3.0 and is backed by a 3000mAh battery. Sadly, the phone doesn't ship with a fingerprint scanner, which is a massive letdown as entry-level smartphones priced at half rate (Tenor D) ship with a fingerprint scanner. It's a dual-SIM smartphone too and does offer all the major connectivity options such as 4G LTE, VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, and GPS.