Motorola has launched a new smartphone in the Indian market under Rs 10000. The device is powered by Android 13 out of the box and has a decent memory configuration. It has a large display with high refresh rate support as well, something which we don't see in this price range. The smartphone is a 4G device and a perfect option for anyone who wants an affordable device and doesn't care about whether it is 5G supportive or not. However, getting a 5G phone is not a bad idea right now. This is because Indian telecom operators are offering free 5G, which the consumer can take advantage of. Let's check out the complete specs and price of the new Motorola phone.
Motorola Phone, Which Launched Today
Expanding the G lineup of smartphones in India, Motorola has launched the Moto G13. It is the successor to the Moto G12. The smartphone is decent for anyone looking for a device with entry-level specs but is also capable enough of delivering a decent experience.
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Moto G13 Specs
The Moto G13 comes with a 6.5-inch IPS display with support for 90Hz refresh rate and 576Hz touch sampling rate. This means that the screen would be quite responsive. For protection, there's Panda Glass on top, and the panel supports HD+ resolution. As mentioned above, it would run on Android 13 OS out of the box. It is powered by the MediaTek Helio G85 SoC coupled with up to 4GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. There's also an option to expand the internal storage with the help of a microSD card, and for additional security, there's a fingerprint sensor mounted at the side.
There's a 50MP primary sensor at the back paired with a 2MP depth sensor and a 2MP macro sensor. For selfies, there's an 8MP sensor at the front. The device packs a 5000mAh battery with support for only 10W fast charging.
Moto G13 Price
Moto G13 is going to be available in India starting April 4, 2023. It will start at Rs 9499 and can be bought via Flipkart. It is worth noting that the device is already available for the global market and is making its debut in India just now.