At Apple's Far Out event tonight, the iPhone 14 series is scheduled to debut. The iPhone 13 is currently on sale on Flipkart and Amazon in advance of the launch. The iPhone 13's official starting price is Rs 79,900; however, Amazon and Flipkart are currently offering the 128GB model at a flat discount price of Rs 69,999, a saving of almost Rs 10,000. Additionally, there are offers from banks and exchanges.
The iPhone 13 is available at a reduced price on Flipkart and Amazon for all three storage options—128GB, 256GB, and 512GB. The 256GB and 512GB storage models come at a price tag of Rs 89,900 and Rs 1,09,900, respectively. Let's now compare the offers made by Amazon and Flipkart to see which one is more advantageous.
iPhone 13 discount offer on Amazon
The iPhone 13 is currently available for Rs 69,999 on Amazon. The model with 128GB of storage costs this amount. The discounted rates for the devices with 256GB and 512GB of storage are Rs 76,900 and Rs 99,990, respectively. Amazon is providing an additional exchange discount of Rs 12,559 over the flat discount of about Rs 10,000. So, if you now own an outdated iPhone model, it would be best to switch it for an iPhone 13.
iPhone 13 discount offer on Flipkart
The iPhone 13 is also available on Flipkart at a discounted price of Rs 69,999. The standard model with 128GB of storage costs this amount. The discounted pricing for the 256GB and 512GB storage variants are Rs 79,900 and Rs 99,999, respectively. As can be seen, Flipkart is providing better deals in this instance. Now, in addition to the flat discount, Flipkart is giving customers who pay with their HDFC bank card Rs 2,000 off.
Additionally, Flipkart is providing a Rs 17,000 exchange value, an extra Rs 1,000 off on all IDFC FIRST First Bank credit card EMI transactions, and more.
So if you've been holding out, now is undoubtedly the greatest moment to purchase an iPhone 13. In fact, if you can wait another day, we think Apple may officially decrease the price of the iPhone 13 series in India. As a result, online retailers like Amazon and Flipkart might start selling the phone for a considerably reduced price.