Apple is going to launch the new iPhone 15 series along with the Apple Watch 9 series in its latest event scheduled for later today. If you are in India, then you can watch the event tonight online. Apple is calling its upcoming event 'Wonderlust'. The Cupertino tech giant is also expected to unveil the new generation of Apple Watch Ultra. The event will be live streamed online and anyone with an active internet connection can watch it. Mentioned below are the details for how you can watch and at what time.
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Apple Event: Where, How and When to Watch?
The most awaited Apple event of the year is here. You can watch the Apple event at 10:30 PM IST. The event will be live-streamed on the official website of Apple as well as the Apple TV app. You can also watch it on YouTube via the official channel of Apple. The link for the event is below and you can directly watch it from here as well.
Apple will bring the new iPhone 15 series for consumers across the globe. The new iPhone series is expected to witness major changes. Firstly, there could be a Type-C port in the iPhones for the first time ever. Also, Apple could bring Dynamic Island to all the iPhone models and not just restrict them to the Pro models.
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There were reports of a fifth model coming - iPhone 15 Ultra. But those developments have been quashed online and Apple is likely to continue with the same name series it has been doing since the iPhone 12 series. During the event, Apple will also announce the pre-order dates for the new iPhones as well and prices for different countries will be updated on the official Apple website.