Bharti Airtel, India's leading telecommunications service provider, has launched a new Rs 799 Black postpaid plan, the company's new Postpaid Bundled Plan with two add-on connections and DTH offering in the market. Bharti Airtel offers Airtel Black Plans to bundle DTH, Fiber and Mobile plans under one plan with premium service and benefits. Let's now look at the benefits of the Airtel Black 799 Postpaid Plan.
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Airtel Black Rs 799 Postpaid Plan
Airtel Black 799 Plan offers 3 connections in total, including 2 Postpaid connections and 1 DTH Connection. Customers can add services as per their choice, but the base 799 plan offers postpaid and DTH benefits. The bundled postpaid connections get 105 GB of Data, Unlimited Voice Benefits, 100 SMS per Day and Data rollover benefits, just like the regular Bharti Airtel Postpaid offering. In addition, Airtel Black 799 plan offers customers with Rs 260 worth of TV channel benefits, included in the plan.
Entertainment and OTT Apps
Airtel Black 799 plan also comes bundled with Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar and Airtel Xstream App services.
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Airtel Black Priority Services
Airtel Black 799 Plan customers can enjoy Black services, including One Bill and One Call Center, Dedicated Relationship Team, Priority Resolution, Call pick-up in 60 seconds, Free Service Visits, Buy Now and Pay later on Airtel shop privileges along with the regular offerings of Airtel Postpaid.
First 30 Days Free and Other Benefits
Customers can combine any new service with their existing service from Airtel and enjoy the first 30 days free as a one-time benefit. You can create a plan combined with postpaid, DTH, Fiber + Landline. There are also other benefits, such as Free installation and Rs 100 per month off on postpaid bills for a year. For free installation benefits, the customer must pay in advance as per the chosen plan, which will be adjusted in the upcoming bills.
Airtel Advantage
Airtel Black Customers can enjoy VoLTE and VoWiFi services and have a seamless experience. Also, in areas of 5G availability, customers can use the Unlimited 5G Data offer. Airtel is targeting to make 5G services available in over 4000 towns by June.
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With Airtel Black 799 Plan, Airtel customers get 2 Postpaid connections and 1 DTH Connection. Airtel recently launched Rs 599 Platinum Postpaid plan with two postpaid connections, and if you are looking for a DTH service, well, Airtel 799 Black plan includes DTH benefits too. Customers always have the benefit of adding services to existing plan under one bill.