Tata Play has unveiled Anime Local, an ad-free service bringing Japanese animation to Tata Play subscribers in Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam. This service, accessible on TV and the Tata Play mobile app, costs Rs 2 per day. According to Tata Play, for ease of access, the service will also be available simultaneously on the Tata Play mobile app for portable, on-the-move viewing.
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Anime Local Content Offered
The Anime Local service features popular anime like Naruto, Sergeant Keroro, Ninjaboy Rantaro, Naruto Shippuden, Black Clover, and Robotan, among many others, in Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam, the official release said.
Commenting on the launch of the programming service, Tata Play's Chief Commercial and Content Officer, Pallavi Puri, said, "Anime Local on Tata Play will be yet another jewel in our exhaustive offering. The palette for anime content has been growing, and our new service will provide top-notch content to suit that growing appetite. We thank our partner Culver Max Entertainment for putting together this curation for us."
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Adding to this, Leena Lele Dutta, Business Head – Sony YAY, (CMEPL) commented, "In today's world, where innovation drives the evolution of entertainment, anime has emerged as a global sensation and is rapidly growing in India. To meet this growing enthusiasm, we are thrilled to launch 'Anime Local' with Tata Play, which aims to revolutionise the anime viewing experience for Indian fans."
Anime Local is the latest addition to Tata Play's portfolio of over 45 entertainment and infotainment value-added services, spanning genres such as entertainment, kids, learning, regional content, and devotion.