In a bid to enhance customer experience, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has officially launched its WhatsApp Chatbot service, offering users a seamless and convenient way to access various services of BharatFibre. As reported by TelecomTalk earlier, in an earlier consumer experience initiative, BSNL has upgraded its Selfcare app and is now providing enhanced services to its users through its App.
Also Read: BSNL Announces Upgraded MyBSNL Mobile App
Get Started with a Simple 'Hi'
The BSNL Official WhatsApp Chat Bot is now live, allowing users to initiate a chat effortlessly. To start a conversation, users can simply type 'Hi' and send it to 18004444. According to an official update from BSNL, below are the features of the BSNL WhatsApp chatbot.
Link to Access Chat:
BSNL WhatsApp Chatbot Features to Simplify Your Experience:
Book New Fiber Connection
Customers can easily request and book a new BSNL fibre connection through the WhatsApp Chatbot.
Pay Bills Online
Customers can Pay bills hassle-free, including landline and FTTH bills, using the secure online payment feature.
View Bill Details
Access and view your bills, invoices, and usage details. Download PDF invoices for your records.
Transaction History
BSNL users can keep track of transactions with a detailed transaction history feature.
Lodge Complaints
Customers can report issues or concerns by booking a complaint directly through the Chatbot.
Check Complaint Status
BSNL users can stay informed about the status of lodged complaints, ensuring timely resolution.
Plan Change
Explore and request changes to existing plan through the Plan Change feature. According to BSNL, users can change their existing plan using this feature through the Chatbot service.
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BSNL aims to streamline customer interactions by providing a user-friendly platform that aligns with the evolving communication preferences of its users. With the WhatsApp Chatbot, accessing and managing BSNL services is now just a message away.
BSNL says that this BSNL Chatbot serves as a virtual assistant for Bharat Fibre customers and urges users to experience the convenience by starting a chat with BSNL's Official WhatsApp Chatbot at 18004444.