Xiaomi has sent out media invites for an event to be held on June 7 in India, but the company is yet to reveal which smartphone it's going to launch. Rumours suggest that Xiaomi is bringing the Redmi S2 to the Indian market as Redmi Y2, the successor to last year's Redmi Y1. The Xiaomi Redmi Y2 has now paid a visit to Geekbench ahead of its official launch, revealing the key specifications. As you can see in the image, the Redmi Y2 has a 2.02 GHz processor, and without many surprises, it will be the Snapdragon 625 chipset because the Redmi S2 in China uses the same two-year-old SoC. The device is benchmarked with 3GB of RAM, but Xiaomi is expected to launch a 4GB RAM variant of the smartphone too. The device scored 843 in single-core test and 4196 in multi-core test.
At the time of benchmark, the smartphone was running Android 8.1 Oreo, meaning the Redmi Y2 will be Xiaomi's first smartphone in India to come with Android 8.1 Oreo. But it may not be based on MIUI 10, which is going to be officially launched on May 31 in China and the MIUI version will be 9.5 itself.
The Geekbench listing did not reveal other specifications of the smartphone, but it's expected to come with similar specifications as the Redmi S2 though. The Redmi Y2 will have a 5.99-inch HD+ display on the front with 2.5D curved glass on top. It will be powered by the popular Snapdragon 625 chipset, mated with up to 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage.
Xiaomi is teasing the Redmi Y2 as RealYou smartphone, touting the selfie camera on the device. The Redmi Y2 will have a 16MP sensor on the front, followed by a 12MP+5MP sensors on the back. So there's no doubt in believing that Xiaomi is looking to attract camera enthusiasts on a budget with the Redmi Y2. The phone is backed by a 3080mAh battery.
As usual, Xiaomi will price the Redmi Y2 aggressively in India. The phone is expected to start at Rs 8,999 for the 3GB RAM and 32GB storage option whereas the 4GB RAM variant with 64GB of storage will retail for Rs 10,999.