Xiaomi launched its Redmi 5 series back in December, followed by the global launch in February. Just three months down the line, the Chinese phone maker is already gearing up to launch its successor, the Redmi 6. An alleged Xiaomi Redmi 6 smartphone has made its way to the Chinese certification site, TENNA, hinting at the imminent launch. The purported Redmi 6 with model number “M1804C3DE” appeared on TENNA along with its partial specifications list. According to the listing, the Redmi 6 will come with a 5.45-inch display on a smartphone that measures 147.46 x 71.49 x 8.3 mm. Though aspect ratio isn’t mentioned, Xiaomi is likely to follow with the market trend, and the device will have 18:9 screen aspect ratio. The handset, however, has a much smaller body than current Redmi 5.
The listing also suggests that this particular smartphone will run Android and supports most of the networks. The Android version isn’t listed, but we can expect the phone to run on Android Oreo-based MIUI 9. The certification website also states that the phone will be powered by a 3000mAh battery.
Some live images of an alleged Redmi 6 also popped up online. Though the images aren’t much clear, they do reveal some of the finer design details of the upcoming Redmi device. The device appears in Gold colour option in these images.
On the front, the Redmi 6 is seen sporting a full-screen display design with ultra-thin bezels and notch on the top. The notch houses the selfie camera, earpiece and other sensors, but it isn’t as wide as in other devices. The device has a noticeable chin, but instead of a physical home screen button, the display is seen with on-screen navigation keys.
The live image also shows the rear panel which has a metallic design. The primary dual rear camera is aligned to the top left corner, and the sensors are aligned vertically. The two sensors are separated with LED flash in between. There’s also the rear-mounted fingerprint scanner which is equipped in a circular housing.
Though information on the Redmi 6 launch timeline is yet to revealed by Xiaomi, but rumours suggest that the phone may debut alongside the company's eighth-anniversary edition phone, the Mi 8 on May 31 in China.