Vivo, the Chinese smartphone brand has silently introduced a new entry-level smartphone in the Indian market, namely, the Vivo Y53i. The smartphone is the successor to last year's Vivo Y53 and offers entry-level specs at a price of Rs 7,990. The Vivo Y53i will retail for Rs 7,990 in the country and will go against the likes of Xiaomi Redmi 5 and Tenor E smartphones. But on the specifications front, the device competes with the likes of Xiaomi Redmi 5A and Tenor D. The massive letdown with the Y53i smartphone is it boots Android 6.0 Marshmallow OS out of the box, which is more than a two-year-old iteration of Android.
Specifications of the smartphone include a 5-inch display with a resolution of 540 x 960 pixels. The phone is constructed out of plastic and weighs just 137grams. At the heart of the phone, we get a Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 chipset, which was also seen on the smartphones such as the Redmi 5A and Tenor D. The chipset is clubbed with 2GB of RAM of 16GB of internal storage.
There's a microSD card slot for storage expansion as well. Cameras in the smartphone include an 8MP rear camera and a 5MP front-facing camera. This entire package is backed by a 2500mAh battery. Furthermore, Vivo has added Face Unlock feature to the smartphone, which we haven't seen on my smartphones in the price range. The Infinix Hot S3 offers Face Unlock feature under Rs 10,000. The phone offers connectivity options such as 4G LTE, VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and a micro USB port.
The launch news of the Vivo Y53i is tweeted by Mumbai-based retailed Mahesh Telecom. The device is already available for purchase across the retail stores in India, but Vivo is yet to reveal the online availability of the smartphone though.
As stated, the Vivo Y53i competes with the likes of the Xiaomi Redmi 5 and Tenor E in terms of pricing, while specifications, the affordably-priced Redmi 5A and Tenor D offer better specs than the Y53i. That said, Vivo is never known for launching value-for-money products in the country though.