Vivo has launched the V1 Max in India, which is expected to go on sale around the first week of September, at a price tag of Rs. 21,980. The device was first taken out of wraps in July along with the Vivo V1.
The Vivo V1 Max is a dual-SIM smartphone, which runs Android 5.0 Lollipop with Funtouch 2.1 UI on top. It comes with a 5.5-inch HD IPS display with a resolution of 720x1280 pixels, and is powered by a 64-bit 1.4GHz Snapdragon 615 octa-core processor paired with 2GB of RAM. The device sports a 13-megapixel camera on the rear with LED flash, and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera.
In terms of storage, it has 16GB of internal storage, which can be further increased up to 128GB via microSD card. The Vivo V1 Max supports connectivity options such as 4G LTE, 3G, Wi-Fi, Micro-USB, Bluetooth, and GPS/ A-GPS. It is backed by a 2,720 mAh battery and has been crafted in a 6.97 mm metal body. The audio output is pretty fancy as it features dual-speaker Hi-Fi audio chip.
Vivo V1 Max specifications
- 5.5-inch IPS HD display with a resolution of 720x1280 pixels
- Android 5.0 Lollipop with Funtouch OS 2.1
- 1.4 GHz octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 processor with 2GB RAM
- 16GB of internal memory, expandable up to 128GB via microSD card
- 13MP primary camera with LED flash and 5MP front-facing camera
- dual-SIM, 4G LTE, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, and GPS
- 2,720 mAh battery