Realme is gearing up for the launch of various products in the Indian market. Realme will launch Realme Buds Q, Realme X3 and Realme X3 SuperZoom in India on June 25. Apart from this, Realme is also teasing the launch of Realme C11 for the Malaysian market. The Chinese smartphone manufacturer has not announced an exact launch date for Realme C11. However, the Realme C11 will be a new addition to the smartphone list of Realme. As of specifications, not much information is revealed by the company. But the Realme C11 will feature the MediaTek Helio G35 SoC which will make it first phone in the world to feature the said chipset.
Realme C11: Expected Specifications
Realme has not announced much information of the Realme C11. However, Realme has shared that it would use the MediaTek Helio G35 chipset. The chipset is an unannounced SoC, and no in-depth details are available for the customers. As per the report by Lowyat, Realme is all ready to bring Realme C11 in Malaysia. Not only this, but the report also indicates that the device could feature a massive 5,000 mAh battery. If the Realme C11 features 5000mAh battery, customers will get a comfortable and long-lasting performance. As per China Quality Certification listing, the Realme C11 might also come with 10W charging support.
Realme C11 Might Launch Alongside Realme X3 and Realme Buds Q in India
Since Realme has not announced any official launch date of the Realme C11, it is expected that the company could launch the new smartphone in another market before Malaysia. As the Chinese smartphone manufacturer is gearing up to launch multiple products in the Indian market on June 25, it is expected that Realme C11 might launch alongside Realme X3, Realme X3 SuperZoom and Realme Buds Q earbuds. The company has been teasing the launch of Realme X3 from quite some time. Not only this, the company has made a separate page which is teasing the intriguing features of the Realme Buds Q. Realme is also claiming that the new earbuds which will be launched June 25 will have the largest base driver in its segment and it will be available in three different colour options.