Qualcomm's latest flagship chipset for premium smartphones - Snapdragon 8 Elite is already shipping with some of the prominent devices from different brands including OnePlus, Xiaomi, Asus, and more. Samsung will also likely include the chipset in the upcoming Galaxy S25 series in India and the global markets. Qualcomm is reportedly working on the Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 chipset which will have about 20% performance gains over its predecessor.
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Qualcomm will likely release the details about this chipset in 2025. The new chip will be built on TSMC's third-generation 3nm process. The Snapdragon 8 Elite is built on a second-generation 3nm process. This would be a notable shift in the making process. The details about the upcoming flagship chipset from Qualcomm were shared by Digital Chat Station (DCS) on the social media platform Weibo. As per DCS, the chipset will be clocked at a higher frequency, resulting in 20% performance gains.
The current Snapdragon 8 Elite features an Oryon CPU with a custom eight-core structure with prime cores clocked at 4.32 GHz and performance cores with a peak frequency of 3.53 GHz. OnePlus 13 which has already launched in China will feature this chip for the global market as well when it launches in January 2025. Further, the chipset is also featured in the recently launched iQOO 13 in India.
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Qualcomm has been designing its chips to focus more on power than efficiency now. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen Elite is a testament to that. Whether the devices will overheat with this chip is something we will have to look out for. iQOO 13 which recently launched in India comes with a 7000mm VC cooling system. This means that the device makers are incorporating a large cooling chamber with this chipset to maybe offset the heating in case it happens.