Oppo Electronics has started teasing the launch of its next smartphone, the Oppo F7 in India. The smartphone's launch is set for March 26, and the primary highlight of the phone will be the notch design and 25MP selfie camera. Like every year, Oppo is expected to announce young Indian all-rounder Hardik Pandya as its new brand ambassador. The teaser released by Oppo earlier today clearly shows the cricketer holding the smartphone. There are no official details available on the smartphone at the moment, however, a recent report revealed that the phone would be priced around Rs 25,000 in the country.
Like every year, Oppo is teasing the selfie camera on the Oppo F7, and it will be an industry's first 25MP shooter, succeeding the Vivo V7's 24MP selfie shooter. But the company is not teasing anything about the Artifical Intelligence features though. Another highlight of the Oppo F7 will be the Notch display, and the irony here is Oppo marketing the feature as 'Awesome Notch Screen.'
As per numerous reports, the Oppo F7 will have a 6.2-inch display with 19:9 aspect ratio including the notch and without the notch, the aspect ratio of the display will be 18:9. The phone could be powered by the Snapdragon 630 SoC or the MediaTek Helio P30 chipset, but nothing is confirmed for now. There are no other details available though.
The Oppo F7 will resemble the Oppo F5 from the rear with a fingerprint sensor and Oppo branding. The Oppo F7 will retain the 3.5mm headphone jack and micro USB port.
For the unknown, Oppo launched the F5 smartphone just a little over four months ago in November 2017 and the company is already gearing up for the Oppo F7. Also, it is said that Oppo has scaled down its exclusive dealership with several retailers across the country and will be focussing on generating revenues from the Indian market.
Also, the Chinese company is feeling the heat from other players such as Xiaomi as it launched affordable selfie camera phone in the form of Redmi Y1 at Rs 8,999 and a decent selfie camera phone in the form of Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro at Rs 13,999. So it will be a challenge for Oppo as Xiaomi's phones deliver all-around performance and Oppo should stop marketing its phones as selfie phones.