OnePlus 12R is slated to launch in India on Jan 23, 2024, alongside the OnePlus 12. Ahead of the launch, OnePlus has released some confirmed details about the smartphone. The display and battery details of the OnePlus 12 are out now. From the specifications that OnePlus has confirmed, the OnePlus 12R feels like a super powerful and premium smartphone. The device will launch via an event in Delhi that you can attend. For details to attend the 'Smooth Beyond Relief' event, you can check the details below. For now, let's shift the attention back to the OnePlus 12R.
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OnePlus 12R Specifications - Confirmed
The OnePlus 12R will feature the fourth-generation LTPO 120Hz ProXDR display. This means that you will get a very smooth display with a great battery backup. The OnePlus 11 featured the 3rd gen LTPO technology.
OnePlus said, "Rather than switching between a limited set of refresh rates, LTPO 4.0 can move between the widest ever range of refresh rates, including new 90Hz and 72Hz refresh rates. That means whatever a user’s doing, from playing a high-resolution game to watching a movie or browsing Chrome or images, OnePlus 12R’s screen will be giving the best performance it can and reducing battery drain at the same time."
OnePlus 12R will also come with the largest battery any OnePlus phone has ever shipped with. It will feature a 5500mAh battery with support for SUPERVOOC fast charging. The device will likely feature support for 80W or 100W fast charging.
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OnePlus 12 Series Launch Event - How to Attend?
The OnePlus 12's 'Smooth Beyond Belief' launch will be open for the public to attend as well. The early bird tickets for the launch event are live now and are priced at Rs 599 each. The launch will take place in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi on Jan 23, 2024. RCC members buying the tickets on will be eligible for 50% discount while the tickets will also be available on Paytm Insider.