Nokia's first smartphone after its comeback, the Nokia 3 is now available to purchase from all the major offline stores in India. The Nokia 3 is an offline-only model priced at Rs. 9,499. The smartphone offers entry-level specifications and comes with vanilla Android as its USP. Along with the Nokia 3, HMD also unveiled the Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 for Rs. 12,899 and Rs. 14,999, which will be up for sale in next month.
The Nokia 3 will be available in two colour options- Tempered Blue and Matte Black. There is some launch offers as well. With the purchase of Nokia 3, Vodafone customers will get 5GB of 4G data per month for just Rs. 149 for three months. Customers will also get a Rs. 2,500 off coupon from MakeMyTrip, which can be used to book hotels or flight tickets from the website.
Coming to the Nokia 3, it is an entry-level smartphone with decent specifications, which doesn't inspire confidence. The Nokia 3 is for people who are looking for a smartphone with less power and good build quality on a tight budget (sub Rs. 10,000). Unlike the Nokia 5 and Nokia 6, the Nokia 3 boasts of polycarbonate body.
Diving into the hardware specifications, the Nokia 3 has a 5-inch HD display and is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6737 SoC. The smartphone has 2GB of RAM and a measly 16GB of internal storage, which can be expanded up to 128GB via a microSD card. And yes, it's a dedicated microSD card slot and a hybrid card setup.
Camera wise, the phone uses an 8MP rear sensor with autofocus and LED flash along with 8MP front-facing camera, which lacks flash support. The device comes laden with Android 7.1.1 Nougat, and HMD also promises monthly security patch updates along with Android O upgrade as well. The device measures 143.4x71.4x8.4mm and it's backed by a 2650mAh battery.
Coming to the Nokia 5, it will be up for pre-order from July 7, and it's an offline-only model. The Nokia 6, though will be sold via Amazon India. The pre-orders for Nokia 6 will commence on July 14, and there's no possible shipping date at this moment.