Motorola Edge 50 Pro is soon going to be launched in India. The smartphone is going to be announced on April 3, 2024. Motorola has confirmed some of the key specifications of the device ahead of its launch. Not just the chipset, but even the camera and the display specs are confirmed as they are visible on the Flipkart microsite. While it will be a semi-premium or a mid-range smartphone, the device will feature some amazing specifications, carrying on with the legacy of the Motorola Edge 40 series. Let's take a look at the specifications which have been confirmed.
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Motorola Edge 50 Pro Specifications: Confirmed Before Launch
Motorola Edge 50 Pro will feature a 6.7-inch screen with support for 1.5K resolution. It will be a curved pOLED display with a punch-hole cutout at the top center and the screen will support 144Hz refresh rate. The peak brightness of Motorola Edge 50 Pro is 2000nits and it will support HDR10+, and a 100% DCI-P3 colour gamut.
The device will also come with an in-screen fingerprint sensor and the Flipkart microsite confirms that the display is Pantone Validated with realistic colours and accurate skin tones.
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Further, Motorola Edge 50 Pro will be the first phone in the world that will come with Pantone Validated camera system. What it basically means is that the camera of the phone will be able to deliver realistic colours and skin tones in the captured images. There will be a 50MP main sensor at the rear and the device will sport AI-features such as autofocus tracking, adaptive stabilisation, tilt mode, and more.
Motorola has also integrated generative AI on the device to let users create their unique wallpapers. It will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 and be available in three colours - Black, Violet, and a Faux Leather variant.