The Honor 8 Pro smartphone will soon receive the Face Unlock feature in India. Though Huawei sub-brand Honor rolled out Android 8.0 Oreo for the device alongside Honor 9 back in February, the update didn’t bring the much-anticipated feature. The company has now informed that an over-the-air (OTA) update will bring the Face Unlock to Honor 8 Pro in India. Notably, though the update was rolled out in other regions in April itself. Through its official Twitter account, Honor India announced the update is rolling out to the device as version B320. The tweet reads: “We would like to inform you that our team has started to roll out the face unlock feature with B320 update for Honor 8 Pro. However, the update is rolling out in small batches.”
Honor India added the update with the Face Unlock feature would be “arriving shortly”, though the exact time frame wasn’t mentioned. They recommended users should take backup of their data before upgrading their handsets.
The latest update is a little over 500MB in size and is being rolled out in “small batches”. In addition to the Face Unlock feature, the update also adds smart screen notifications. It is a feature that hides notification content on the smartphone’s lock screen and prevents unauthorized people from reading it. Also, the new firmware also brings in the Android March security patch, not April or May security patches.
With the latest update arriving as part of OTA, users will receive the download notification in upcoming days. Alternatively, users can also try with manual update, going to Settings > System > System updates.
Just to recall, the Honor 8 Pro was launched in India back in June 2017 for a price of Rs 29,999. The device sports a 5.7-inch Quad HD (1440x2560 pixels) LCD display. It is powered by a HiSilicon Kirin 960 SoC paired with 6GB of RAM and 128GB onboard storage.
The smartphone comes with a rear dual camera module of the 12MP RGB sensor combined with a 12MP monochrome sensor and a 8MP front camera. Fuelled by a 4000mAh battery the Honor 8 Pro runs Android 7.0 Nougat-based EMUI 5.1 out-of-the-box.