Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has launched two new broadband plans for Bharat Fibre customers. The speciality of these two plans is the bundled over-the-top (OTT) benefits. The new Superstar Premium - II plans will come with BSNL Cinema Plus at a minimal price. According to an ET Telecom report, the Bharat Fibre plan of Rs 949 provides users with a speed of up to 150 Mbps with 2000GB monthly data. Further, there’s another Superstar Premium-1 plan that comes for Rs 749 and provides 100 Mbps speed with 1000GB of data for the month. For the unaware, BSNL Cinema Plus comes with a subscription to multiple OTT platforms, including SonyLIV Premium, ZEE5 Premium, Voot Select, Yupp TV, and more.
BSNL Other Broadband Plans That Come With OTT Benefits
It is worth noting that there are two more broadband plans offered by BSNL Bharat Fibre that come with OTT benefits. These plans cost Rs 999 and Rs 1499. The Rs 999 plan offers users 200 Mbps of speed with up to 3.3TB of monthly data. Further, this plan comes with a free fixed-line connection with unlimited voice calling benefit. The OTT benefit offered with the Rs 999 plan is Disney+ Hotstar Premium for one year.
Moving on, the Rs 1499 plan, which is also the most expensive monthly fiber broadband plan offered by BSNL, comes with 300 Mbps speed 4TB of monthly data. Users get a free fixed-line voice calling connection with this plan as well. The OTT benefit offered with this plan is also of Disney+ Hotstar Premium for one year.
There are no more fiber broadband plans from the state-run telco that come with OTT benefits. It is worth noting that these newly launched plans are not visible on the website of the telco yet. There’s no saying when will BSNL start offering these plans to the users.