Elisa, a leading telecommunications company in Estonia, has powered 13 of its mobile towers with solar energy from solar panels installed beside the base stations. The company aims to equip all its mobile towers with 100% renewable energy solutions within the next ten years.
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Solar Parks Support Mobile Communications for Locals
According to the statement, Elisa's first experiment with solar power was in 2015, and the solar panels continue to produce energy today. Last fall, the company continued its project in collaboration with Sunly City and has now installed 12 new solar power plants connected to the grid. These new solar parks are located in seven counties and support local communities such as Ahaste village, Kambja municipality, Kibuna, and Koljala village in using mobile communication services.
According to Elisa, "Green energy and energy efficiency are one of the main pillars of Elisa's sustainability strategy. With the help of the already established solar power plants, it can increase contribution to green energy, reduce the impact of high electricity prices, and minimize carbon footprint as much as possible."
"Now that Elisa has activated 12 new solar power plants, it can analyze the real impact of the project and increase the pace further. Elisa's longer-term goal is to equip all our mobile towers with 100% renewable energy solutions in the next ten years."
Also Read: Elisa to Shut Down 3G in Finland During 2023 in Phases
Renewable Sources Powering Base Stations
In addition to the masts/towers powered by local solar parks, Elisa also uses green energy from renewable sources such as wind, water, solar, nuclear energy, biogas, and biomass in all its other base stations. For this purpose, the company purchases green energy from the grid, and since 2019, Elisa has been awarded Green Choice certificates, which are guaranteed by an all-European and transparent origin certificate system.
The new solar parks were installed in the following locations:
Ahaste, Parnumaa, Haljala, Laane-Virumaa, Valley, Harju County, Kadjaste, Parnumaa, Kambja, Tartum County, Uuemoisa (Kaevaniidu), Laanemaa, Kibuna, Harju County, Koljala, Saaremaa, Maetagu, Ida-Virumaa, Parila, Laanemaa and Vatsla, Harju County.
Besides installing these solar parks, Elisa continues to work towards finding more ways to reduce its business's environmental footprint.
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Elisa 5G network covers 70% of the population
Elisa's customer base experienced growth in mobile communications during the first quarter of this year, increasing by approximately 10,000 compared to the same period last year, with the strongest growth seen in the business customer segment. Additionally, Elisa has already achieved 70% population coverage in the development of its 5G network.
In the first quarter, Harju County, along with Tallinn and Tartu and their surrounding areas, received the most additions as main 5G regions, with a total of 61 new 5G base stations built in eight different counties. Elisa also expanded its 2G and 4G networks, which added 14 new base stations in preparation for the closure of the 3G network.