Zee5, a Over-the-Top (OTT) platform on Thursday announced that it has partnered with Meghbela Broadband in a bid to expand its distribution ecosystem. The company said that its platform has witnessed over three times growth in its user base as the users “are now looking at entertainment beyond the traditional Direct-to-Home (DTH) and Cable TV. Zee5 said that it has been “working very closely” with internet service providers across India to provide “easy access” to its OTT content. It was said that the Meghbela Broadband with its partnership with Zee5 will offer its users “easy access” to the OTT platform through its Android Box
Select Meghbela Broadband Users to Receive Complimentary Access to Zee5
The company said that the select users of Meghbela Broadband will receive “complementary access” to “all” Zee5 premium content including movies and live channels.
“Consumers today are demanding more options and value from their internet service providers,” Zee5 said in a release.
It was said that Meghbela Broadband users will need to login on Meghbela Android TV using a one-time password (OTP) generated on the mobile app for access to Zee5 content.
“Meghbela Broadband being a Class- A ISP based in Eastern India & ZEE5, India’s Entertainment Super-app, coming together of these two will surely break into the unchartered territory of the East by providing Meghbela Android TV Box bundled with ZEE5 Premium Subscription backed with high-speed internet up to 250mbps,” Tapabrata Mukherjee, director, Meghbela Broadband, said in the release.
Zee5 Partnership Eyes “Wider Audience” with its Partnership with Meghbela Broadband
Zee5 highlighted that its platform offers over 100 originals across multiple genres with over 1.25 lakh hours of programming across 12 languages.
"In a connected world, the role of ISPs is critical to connect the household to the world,” Rahul Maroli, senior vice president at Zee5 India, said in the release. “The strategic alliance with Meghbela Broadband enables us to provide our bespoke entertainment experience to an even wider audience. With consumers now looking at digital platforms to fulfil their entertainment requirements, we wanted to ensure that consumers get a seamless experience with the best of content to choose from.”
The OTT platform said that its alliance with Meghbela Broadband enables a “wider set of diverse” users to access a “super digital entertainment experience.”