Xiaomi has finally launched all of its lineup in India at a pricing which seems too good to be true. But they say dreams do come alive. The flagship smartphone to be launched in the country is the Mi3 which has been launched for Rs 13,999 which is Rs 1,000 less than what Xiaomi teased last week. It will be available for buying from July 22 on Flipkart for the customers who register between today and July 21st 11:59:59 pm. Here's a look at its specifications:
Xiaomi Mi3 Specifications
- 5 inch display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 on top of it. It translates into a pixel density of 441 ppi and things just don’t get any better at this price point.
- 2.3 GHz quad core Snapdragon 800 processor
- Adreno 330 GPU
- Android 4.4 KitKat with MIUI 5.0 on top of it. The MIUI themes get updated every week so you can go on tweaking the smartphone every week to keep the UI fresh
- 16GB internal storage (13.22GB user available)
- 13MP rear camera with Sony Exmor BSI sensor and dual LED flash and a 2MP front camera
- 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS and NFC
- Metallic Grey
- Rs 13,999
We are astounded by what Xiaomi is offering at this price and the nearest competitor in terms of specs is the Nexus 5 which costs double. And at a pricing equal to the Moto G, it makes it look like a grossly overpriced device.