Samsung has just launched the Galaxy S5 in India and it has stated that the smartphone will be launched between a price of Rs 51,000-53,000 and that has made us believe that the device is overpriced beyond expectations. The device should have been pegged around Rs 45,000 which would have made a lot more sense but at this price point, buying a Galaxy S5 just does not make any sense whatsoever.
The smartphone's version which we'll be getting is the octa core variant which eventhough a pretty capable performer is still no match for the Snapdragon 801 unit which is present in the global variant. It has a 5.1 inch full HD screen and the same can be found in devices from reputed manufacturers around the Rs 40,000 mark and way below it as well (Nexus 5 prices begin at Rs 28,999).
Sony Xperia Z1 which costs about Rs 37,000 comes across as a way better device as it does everything the Galaxy S5 does and even betters it in some regards (the camera, processor and build quality). HTC One which is about to launch as well in India is expected to launch at a price of around Rs 45,000 and its dual camera alongside the top-notch quality are going to be the talk of the town once it gets launched.
Samsung is trying to establish itself as a premium manufacturer (read as at par with Apple, seeing the fact that iPhone 5S was launched at Rs 51,500). Samsung has loaded the device with features and a slew of health related features as well alongside support for Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo and Gear Fit but on a serious note, will you people actually go in for these gadgets? No, right. The common consumers won't be going in for the smartwatches and fitness band.
The plastic build quality, a camera unit which is nothing out of the ordinary and a processor that isn't top notch either hold you back from spending Rs 51,000 on the device. Yes it is a good device. Yes Samsung has done everything to make the device a flagship one (IR Blaster, Fingerprint scanner and the likes) but has gone wrong with the pricing. Devices like Nexus 5, HTC One M8, Xperia Z1 and upcoming Xperia Z2 look like way better prospects in front of the Galaxy S5. And to make things slightly worse, it does not support 4G LTE too.
Do let us know as to what you think about the pricing of the S5 and if it makes sense for you