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VODAFONE-LAUNCHES-NEW-STD-PACKS-KARNATAKAVodafone Essar today announced the launch of three new STD  packs and recharges offers for its prepaid customers in Karnataka. Tagged "South STD Pack", "Metro STD Pack" & "All India STD Pack " these  offer calls to metro cities or southern states at just 50paisa per minute.

South STD Pack: By recharging for Rs 39, subscribers can make  STD calls to Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu at just 50p/min.
Metro STD Pack : Priced at Rs. 36, this packs offers 50p/min calling rate to metro cities namely Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata for as low as 50p/min.
All India STD Pack : STD calls across India at just 75p/min for a monthly rental of Rs.33.

All STD packs have a validity of 30 days from the date of recharge and do not have any talk time.

For its postpaid customers, Vodafone also launched a 199 Base Plan tariff offering South STD at 50p/min.  These recharges can be purchased from Vodafone Store, Mini Stores, thru online recharge and from over 40,000 retailers across Karnataka.

In addition to the above STD Packs having specific usage, Vodafone has also launched other STD Tariff Offers available thru e-top.

Recharge with Rs 27 and get 27 mins of STD. Validity : 15 days

With Rs 45 recharge, get 55 mins of STD. Validity : 30 days

Recharge with Rs 56 and get 70 mins of STD. Validity : 30 days

Get 180 mins of STD on recharge of Rs 145. Validity : 30 days

K. Sankara Narayanan, Chief Executive Officer - Karnataka, Vodafone Essar South Limited quoted "At Vodafone we constantly work towards providing value addition for our customers.  These STD Packs and value recharges have been launched for our customers enabling them to avail of reduced call rates and talk more for national long distance calls."

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So do they plan to pay all AGR dues, or are they waiving white flag here ?

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