Vivo has launched several Y series smartphones in India and the latest one under the lineup is Vivo Y93. The smartphone manufacturer has now announced a new Y series smartphone in India called the Vivo Y93. The smartphone, like many Vivo phones, launched recently comes with Halo FullView display and waterdrop notch. The Vivo Y93 comes with HD+ display and is powered by a MediaTek Helio P22 chipset. The smartphone comes in only one variant with 32GB of internal storage and 4GB of RAM. On the rear panel, the Vivo Y93 comes packed with a dual camera set up while on the front the phone includes only one camera for a selfie which sits inside the waterdrop notch. Like all other Vivo phones, the earpiece and the sensors are not visible from the outside. Another key highlight of the Vivo phone is the Jovi Smart Screen and Smart Split feature.
Vivo Y93: Specifications and Features
The Vivo Y93 comes with a 6.2-inch HD+ Halo FullView display paired with an aspect ratio of 19:9 and screen resolution of 720x1580 pixels. On the hardware front, this Vivo phone is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio P22 SoC and is paired with 4GB RAM and 32GB of internal storage which is lower than the China model of the phone which comes packed with 64GB of internal storage. There’s no mention whether the users will be able to expand the storage space via microSD.
On the camera front, the Vivo Y93 comes with dual cameras on the rear panel and single camera on the front. On the rear panel, the Vivo Y93 includes a primary sensor of 13MP with f/2.2 aperture while the secondary camera consists of a 2MP sensor paired with a f/2.4 aperture. On the front, the Vivo Y93 comes with an 8MP sensor with a f/1.8 aperture for selfies.
The Vivo Y93 also comes with 4G VoLTE support and there are other features too like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.0, among other things. The phone also includes several sensors like an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, proximity, and other sensors. Like the recently launched Y95, this Vivo phone also comes with a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor which sits right below the dual camera setup. The phone is backed by a big a 4030mAh battery that is said to offer a full day battery life.
Vivo Y93: Pricing in India
The Vivo Y93 has been launched for a price tag of Rs 13,990. As for the availability, the phone is already up for purchase via Vivo's official online store and retail stores. The Vivo Y93 comes in two colour variants including Starry Night and Nebula Purple.