Vivo has already opened the pre-bookings for its upcoming device, the Vivo X21. The Chinese company has already confirmed to launch the Vivo X21 in India on May 29, and it will be the first smartphone in India to feature the latest in-display fingerprint scanner. The technology was first showcased at the CES 2018 event, and the first smartphone with the same was launched a month later in China. Right now, there are close to five smartphones with an in-display fingerprint scanner, but the first one to launch in India would be the Vivo X21. Interested customers can head over to Vivo Store and pre-book the device for Rs 2,000. And the pre-booking customers will also be eligible for exclusive offers.
The pre-booking customers will be eligible for No Cost EMI up to 12 months; free Device Security & 280GB additional data offer on Vodafone network, Rs 1,000 worth gift voucher from fernsnpetals. And lastly, they'll also receive 5% cashback on SBI Credit card.
Vivo X21 India Launch Details
As mentioned, the Vivo X21 will be launched in India on May 29 at 12:30 PM and the event will be live-streamed too. In China, Vivo launched two variants of the X21, but in India, only the variant with in-display scanner will be launched, it seems. Also, the price of the smartphone is expected to be around Rs 35,000. Furthermore, its also confirmed that only the 6GB RAM and 128GB storage variant would be launched in India. The device can also be purchased on e-commerce portal Flipkart after the launch.
Vivo X21 Specifications and Features
The Vivo X21 was launched in China very recently and it sports decent specifications too. Notably, this is the first Vivo X series smartphone to launch in India. The Vivo X21 sports a 6.28-inch Super AMOLED Full HD Display with a resolution of 1080 x 2280 pixels. Like the Vivo V9, this device also comes with a display notch, hence the aspect ratio of the screen becomes 19:9.
The smartphone is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 SoC, mated with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. There's a microSD card slot for storage expansion as well.
The Vivo X21 rocks dual cameras at the back- a primary 12MP unit is paired to a 5MP secondary depth sensor. The phone also offers Dual Focus Phase Detection Autofocus (PDAF) and dual-tone LED flash too. That said, the X21 is not a selfie-centric device from Vivo and it sports a 12MP shooter on the front. The device has a 3200mAh battery inside and boots Android 8.1 Oreo-based FunTouch OS out of the box.