Vivo launched its V19 back in May in India. The smartphone comes with a dual selfie camera and quad-camera setup in the rear. Now Vivo is offering the Vivo V19 at a reduced price. It reduced the price of the smartphone by Rs 4,000. That is a significant amount and makes the handset quite cheaper than before. At the same time, all the other smartphones which were launched not so long ago are getting a price hike due to increased rate of GST. The Vivo V19 comes in two variants though and both the variants got a price cut. Let’s take a look at the new price.
Vivo V19 New Price
The Vivo V19 has got a new price with a reduction of Rs 4,000. The first variant which is the base variant of V19 comes with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. It was launched for a price of Rs 27,990. After the price cut, the smartphone’s effective price has become Rs 24,990. That equates to a 14% discount on the original price.
The second variant which comes with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of internal storage was launched at a price of Rs 31,990. After the price cut, its new price has become Rs 27,990. That equates to a 12% discount on the original price.
Vivo V19 Specifications
Vivo V19 comes with a 6.44-inch Full HD+ Dual iView E3 Super AMOLED display. On the top right of the screen are the two punch-hole selfie cameras. The smartphone is powered by the 2.3GHz octa-core Snapdragon 712. There is 8GB of RAM inside with two different variants of internal storage - 128GB/256GB. There is also a dedicated microSD card slot which can be used to expand the internal storage of the device.
The quad-camera at the rear comes with a 48MP primary sensor, an 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens, a 2MP macro lens, and a 2MP depth sensor. At the front, there is a 32MP primary sensor along with an 8MP ultra-wide-angle sensor. There is a 4,500mAh battery inside which support 33W Vivo Flash Charge 2.0.