Vivo, the Chinese handset maker, is entering the Indian smartphone market by launching Vivo X5Max on December 15. The device is touted to be the world's slimmest handset, with thickness of just 4.75mm near the camera and 3.75mm without the camera bulge. Interestingly, the Gionee Elife S5.1 was launched recently in India, which features a 5.1mm waistline.
Apparently, the company managed to achieve the device's slim features by shifting 90% of the internal components to the side of the screen. While it's not confirmed yet, this might lead to thicker bezels.
Besides its thinness, we do know more about the device specification as it was certified in China just couple of weeks ago. The Vivo X5Max might feature Android 4.4 KitKat, 1.7GHz octa-core MediaTek MT6592 processor, 2GB RAM, and will have 16GB of built-in storage, along with microSD support (up to 128GB). It will also sport a 13-megapixel camera sensor on the rear end and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. Connectivity-wise the device supports 4G TD-LTE, TD-SCDMA, Wi-Fi, and support dual-SIM cards. More info will be revealed on the 15th of December.
It's also worth noting that Vivo has also tied up with Viacom 18, which is a media house owned by Reliance Industries. The timing of launch is impeccable, considering that RIL is already testing Jio, it's 4G telecom arm in the market. It is expected to launch the service as soon as this month.