Tata Sky, the largest Direct-to-Home (DTH) operator in India on Sunday reduced the prices of six service channels by 50% under the Double Dhamaka Offer. The company said that the offer would be applicable from July 26 to August 2 with the price reduction applicable on services like Tata Sky Smart Games and Dance Studio. Additionally, Tata Sky on Twitter said that the offer would enable users to earn double Zeetos on select services. The Tata Sky Zeetos is a loyalty programme that enables users to earn Zeetos points by taking part in select activities on Tata Sky Services and redeem them for free toys.
Tata Sky Slashes Prices of 6 Tata Sky Services
The Double Dhamaka Offer is said to be applicable on six Tata Sky service channels including Tata Sky Smart Games, Fun Learn, Dance Studio, English, Vedic Maths and Fitness.
The six services are each available for Rs 30 per month till August 2, 2020 with the Tata Sky self care portal reflecting the new prices of the service channels. Tata Sky typically charges Rs 60 per month for the six services. It has to be noted that the users can watch the service channels for no additional cost for the first five days.
Tata Sky Users Can Earn Double Zeetos Till August 2
Meanwhile, the Zeetos programme enables users to earn Zeetos points and redeem for toys like “remote control electronic helicopters, Hotwheel cars, Barbie dolls.”
The Zeetos programme is said to be applicable on service channels such as Tata Sky Fun Learn, Smart Games, English and Dance Studio. Tata Sky on its site highlighted that the users can earn up to 1200 Zeetos points daily by taking part in activities such as quiz and games.
It also has to be noted that Tata Sky offers service channels such as Darshan, Family Health, Classroom and Bhojpuri Sanima for no additional cost to its users.