Qualcomm, a semiconductor major, has announced the confirmed date for Snapdragon Summit 2024. It will be held between October 21-23 in Maui, Hawaii. Qualcomm is expected to announce the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 SoC. This will be the chipset that will power most of the Android flagship smartphones in 2024. Qualcomm has not detailed what exactly it will announce nor are there any hints from the company. However, one thing is for sure, there will be talk about AI. Chipset makers are trying to improve their chips for handling on-device AI (artificial intelligence) tasks.
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There is a long way to October from here. Thus, we can expect more details coming in from Qualcomm in the days following up to the event. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 will be a key highlight of the event, as not only OEMs (original equipment manufacturers), but also consumers will be keen to know what kind of AI capabilities this chip can enable.
Don McGuire, Qualcomm's Chief Marketing Officer has confirmed that the chipset will launch during the event. McGuire also said that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 will feature a custom Oryon CPU. He has also confirmed that the chip will be paired with an updated NPU for AI capabilities. It is expected that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 will be built on TSMC's 3nm process and will also feature LPDDR6 RAM.
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Xiaomi 15 and Xiaomi 15 Pro could become the first devices in the market to feature the chipset. Samsung and OnePlus are also expected to use it in their flagship devices that will launch early in 2025. It will be crucial for Qualcomm to integrate an updated NPU as Apple has already taken the meaning of consumer AI to another level with the announcement of Apple Intelligence. How much on-device AI processing can the chip enable will be interesting to watch.