If you own a Samsung Galaxy Note 2, rejoice! Samsung has started the roll out of Android 4.4 KitKat update for Galaxy Note 2 in India. This software update is available over OTA (Over The Air) as a 416.58 MB package. If the OTA fails, you can update the Galaxy Note 2 via KIES desktop client from Samsung. We wonder why it took so long for Samsung to release the KitKat update for Galaxy Note 2 as the Galaxy S4 got it way back in February.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 KitKat Update Features
- UI & Performance Improvements
- Album Art display on lock screen while music playback
- Wireless Printing, Emoji Keyboard
- White Status Bar Icons
- Lockscreen Camera Shortcut
- Immersive Mode for media playback
- Better RAM Management, Faster multitasking