Samsung Galaxy S5 was launched in India with an official price tag of INR 51,500. Soon after HTC One M8 was launched with a price tag of Rs 49,900, Galaxy S5 price saw a drop of Rs 5,000 on Flipkart. After various blogs reported yesterday that Samsung has slashed the price of Galaxy S5, Samsung came out and clarified today that the reports are untrue and that price of the Galaxy S5 is still Rs 51,500.
However, the price of Galaxy S5 on Flipkart is still Rs 49,152 where as all the other competing smartphones are priced lower than that. The Apple iPhone 5S is being sold at a price of Rs 46,398 while the Nokia Lumia 1520 is priced at Rs 45,199 and the LG G2 is priced very competitively at Rs 36,299.
To remind you, the Galaxy S5 comes with a 5.1 inch Super AMOLED screen, 1.9GHz octa-core processor, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage space, 16MP camera, Android 4.4 KitKat and 2800 mAh battery. Do you think that the Samsung Galaxy S5 deserves the price at which it is currently being sold? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.