Reliance Jio, India's number one telecom operator, has announced the 5G spectrum it acquired during the 5G spectrum auctions 2022. The telco emerged as the highest bidder for the airwaves by purchasing spectrum worth Rs 88,078 crore from the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). Jio took airwaves across several bands, including the 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3300 MHz, and 26 GHz. The mid-band and mmWave bands would enable the telco to offer a superior 5G experience to customers. Take a look at the table below to understand the spectrum that Jio took during the spectrum auctions.
Reliance Jio 5G Spectrum Holdings Post Spectrum Auctions 2022
Jio 5G Spectrum Auctions Details
Akash Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Jio, said, " The speed, scale and societal impact of Jio’s 4G rollout is unmatched anywhere in the world. Now, with a bigger ambition and stronger resolve, Jio is set to lead India’s march into the 5G era."
The spectrum purchased by Jio is for 20 years. The payments will have to be equated on 20 equal annual instalments. The interest amount will be 7.2% per annum. Jio will have to pay Rs 7,877 crore in instalments.
What has Changed for Jio Post the 5G Spectrum Auctions
After the 5G spectrum auctions, Jio is now the operator with the highest sub-GHz spectrum holding in both the 700 MHz and 800 MHz bands in each of the 22 circles. Jio is the only telco which has at least 2x10 MHz in the 1800 band (with 2x20 MHz in six key circles), 40 MHz in the 2300 MHz band and 100 MHz in the 3300 MHz band all across 22 circles. In the mmWave frequency band, Jio has the right to use 1000 MHz of airwaves in the 26 GHz band in each of the 22 circles.
If you want to know about the spectrum auction results for Airtel - click here, and for Vodafone Idea - click here.