Xiaomi launched the Redmi K40 and Redmi K40 Pro in China last month. The company didn’t suggest any timeline for the product’s global launch. Some earlier reports suggested that the Redmi K40 series will launch as Poco F3 for the global market. But a new report is saying that might not be the case and the Redmi K40 series might launch as Mi 11X series for the Indian market. An internal code-shared by the XDA Developers tipster Kacper Skrzypek suggests that the Redmi K40 and Redmi K40 Pro will launch in India as Mi 11X and Mi 11X Pro.
Redmi K40 Series Might Arrive in India as Mi 11X Series
The Redmi K40 series is unlikely to launch under the Poco brand given the recent developments. The internal code found by the tipster mentions ‘aliothin’ which is a code name for a smartphone with the model number M2012K11AI. It suggests that the smartphone in question here is very likely going to be called ‘Mi 11X’.
It is worthy to note that the Redmi K40 was codenamed ‘alioth’. The additional ‘in’ added to the code suggests that it is for the India launch. This means that the Redmi K40 series might launch as Mi 11X series instead as the Poco F3.
The screenshot shared by the tipster also mentioned a smartphone with the codename ‘Mi 11X Pro’ which might be the rebadged version of Redmi K40 Pro for India. There was another device in the screenshots as well, it was - ‘Mi 11i’.
The codename for Mi 11i was ‘haydn_pro_global’ which suggests that it is for the global market and not for the Indian market. It is worth noting that the Redmi K40 Pro+ was codenamed ‘haydn_pro’. This means that the Redmi K40 Pro+ might launch as Mi 11i for the global market.
These are just speculations based on the findings of the codenames and nothing has been confirmed by the company yet.