Poco launched its latest smartphone for the Indian market today. It is the Poco M2. A few days back we reported that it is confirmed that Poco is going to launch M2 with an AI quad-camera setup and a Full HD+ display. Back in July, Poco announced the Poco M2 Pro and it was launched with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G for Rs 13,999. Now Poco M2 has been launched with the MediaTek Helio G80 paired with 6GB of RAM. The battery won’t be a worry for the user since the Poco M2 comes with a massive 5000mAh battery. Let’s take a look at the price and specifications of the smartphone.
Poco M2: Specifications and Features
The Poco M2 comes with a 6.53-inch Full HD+ display. So gaming and watching your favourite content would be entertaining with this large display smartphone. Powering the smartphone is the MediaTek Helio G80 gaming chipset which is built on the 12nm process. The processor comes with a HyperEngine game technology so that the performance of the smartphone can become more efficient. The chipset is paired with 6GB of RAM so multitasking will be quite easier with the Poco M2.
For internal storage, you can get up to 128GB. But for users who want more storage, they can make use of the microSD card slot and expand the storage by up to 512GB. There is a 5,000mAh battery inside the smartphone with 18W fast charging support. Coming to the AI quad-camera setup at the back, the primary camera has a 13MP sensor which is coupled with an 8MP ultra-wide-angle sensor, 5MP macro sensor, and a 2MP depth sensor. On the front is an 8MP AI sensor for selfies and video calls. There is also a 3.5mm headphone jack for people who want to use wired earphones for listening to songs.
Poco M2: Price
The Poco M2 has been launched in three different colours - Pitch Black, Slate Blue, and Brick Red. There are two variants of the smartphone. The 6GB+64GB variant is priced at Rs 10,999 and the 6GB+128GB variant is priced at Rs 12,499. The first sale is from September 15, 2020. You can get the smartphone from Flipkart.