Samsung is all set to launch its latest phablet, the Galaxy Note 8 in the Indian market on September 12. The company has been taking pre-registrations for the smartphone in India for quite some time now. Users can pre-register for the smartphone from either Amazon India or Samsung India's official website.
A new report from IANS claims that the device has received over 2.5 lakh registrations before the launch itself. Amazon revealed that it received 72,000 registrations on the first day of opening the booking. Now, the e-commerce giant has received close to 1.5 lakh pre-registrations. The remaining 1 lakh registrations are obtained on the Samsung India's official website.
Earlier today, Samsung announced that more people in the US have purchased the Galaxy Note 8 that any other Samsung smartphone till date. The Note 8 will be made available for purchase in general stores starting September 15 in countries such as the US.
The Galaxy Note 8 is the company's biggest smartphone ever with a display of 6.3-inch. Even though the device was not well received by the international media, Indian consumers are looking to purchase the phablet, even after aware of the expected whopping price tag. The Galaxy Note 8 is Samsung's premium smartphone ever at $930 (approx. Rs. 60,000). However, the Indian pricing is expected to be Rs. 74,990.
The smartphone is the world's first device to feature two optically stabilised sensors at the back. Two 12MP sensors are present at the back; one function as a standard RGB sensor, while the other one as a telephoto lens. The Note 8 has an 8MP front-facing camera. The essential feature of the smartphone is the support for S-Pen.
Rest of the features are similar to the Galaxy S8 lineup, it is powered by the Snapdragon 835/Exynos 8895 SoC, 6GB of RAM (even for the base variant), Android 7.0 Nougat based TouchWiz UI, IP68 Water and Dust resistant properties, Infinity Display. This entire package is backed by a 3300mAh battery.
Samsung may open the pre-bookings for the device on September 12, while the shipping of the device expected to start later this month. The company likely to give a wireless charger free for users who pre-book the smartphone, same as what it did with Galaxy S8 and S8+.