OnePlus has now officially confirmed that its upcoming flagship device, the OnePlus 6 will feature a glass back. This falls in-line with the earlier reports suggesting the device will come with a glass back and wireless charging support and the company today confirmed the former's presence. Pete Lau, CEO and Founder, OnePlus in a forum post today described the brand's approach to design and the incorporation of glass materials while maintaining the familiar horizon design in the OnePlus 6. Pete Lau also stated that the OnePlus 6's glass back comes with five layers of Nanotech Coating.
Talking about the reason behind the use of glass back, Pete Lau, CEO and Founder of OnePlus said, “OnePlus 6's glass design is centred around creating a ‘sense of value’ and ‘premium hand-feel’. We gave a lot of thought to how users should feel when they use the OnePlus 6. The advantages of glass over metal are manifold: glass communicates a transparent, bright, and pure feeling. The way glass transforms under different lighting is a particularly important challenge—the OnePlus design team tested over 70 glass prototypes before selecting the best one.”
As stated, the OnePlus 6' glass back contains five printed layers of nanotech coating, which as per the company is a first in the smartphone industry. The phone has five layers of Nanotech Coating instead of three, even though the degree of separation between each layer is extremely subtle and tough to discern as the additional layers give the back of the device a stronger impression of depth.
However, Pete Lau didn't reveal the presence of wireless charging. So the confirmed list of features of the OnePlus 6 has one more now. The device is confirmed to come with a 19:9 notch screen, powerful Snapdragon 845 chipset paired with up to 8GB of RAM & 256GB of internal storage. OxygenOS will be tweaked to take full advantage of the new notch screen, and the device will be a water-resistant one.