Alleged renders for the OnePlus 11 Pro have apparently been posted online. According to the alleged pictures, OnePlus' flagship phone for 2023 can be seen. The phone will have back cameras bearing the Hasselblad name and the tri-state alert slider from the business. The alleged pictures of the OnePlus 11 Pro, according to the article, are based on early prototypes. According to the photos, the phone will include a triple rear camera configuration with an LED flash. According to the renders, the OnePlus logo would be situated in the middle of the rear panel.
The alleged renders of the OnePlus 11 Pro, which are based on the early prototypes of the phone, have been revealed by tipster Steve Hemmerstoffer in association with SmartPrix. It is rumoured to be the company's 2023 flagship smartphone. According to the photos, the alert slider will be located next to the power button on the right spine of the phone. The phone might have an LED flash and three rear cameras that bear the Hasselblad logo.
OnePlus 11 Pro Camera Design
The perimeter encircling the camera module has the shape of a half-pill. The centre of the back panel of the OnePlus 11 Pro may display the OnePlus logo, according to the claimed renders. The phone has what seems to be a hole-punch cutout in the display's upper-left corner, which is likely where the selfie camera will be located. The pictures also suggest that the bezels on the OnePlus 11 Pro will be minimal. The phone's volume rockers are visible on the left spine. A new phone from OnePlus is expected to debut at the end of 2022, according to a recent report. The OnePlus 11 Pro is anticipated to be this device. The SM8550 chipset, which is anticipated to be a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, will power the phone. According to the story, the tipper also stated that the upcoming phone will emphasise "texture and performance."
The Qualcomm Summit 2022 event is supposed to see the introduction of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC. The Snapdragon Summit 2022 event will take place between November 15 and November 17, according to the company's events page. After Qualcomm's event, OnePlus might introduce its newest phone.