LG Mobile Launches Smartphone Idea Camp Contest in India

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LG India has launched Smartphone Idea Camp, has launched an innovative campaign by the name ‘Smartphone Idea Camp’. This campaign is a ‘consumers connect’ initiative which would be conducted online.

During the campaign, LG India would invite consumers to submit unique App, Feature, Concept, Service, Design, UI ideas that they desire in their phones. The best ideas would get incorporated in LG’s future smartphone line-up and also win prize value of Rs. 15,00,000.

The 2 month long campaign starts today i.e. 1st August and ends on 15th September 2012 encourages tech enthusiasts to share their innovative app feature concept, service, design, UI ideas for smartphones.

The contest would be open to all Indian residents, and the entries would be evaluated on the basis of imagination, creativity and utility.You can participate as an individual or a team. 40 shortlist contests from round one would move to round two which is a 3 days workshop in Delhi where ideas should be presented, from which winners would be selected.

To participate in the LG Smartphone Idea Camp contest just visit here --> lg.com/in

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