Lava, an Indian smartphone maker, is expected to launch a new model with a 50MP rear camera sensor. The company has teased this new phone on its social media handle and in the teaser, for a brief second, you can see the specification of the primary camera. This new phone from the company is going to have a dual-camera setup at the rear. And one of those cameras will have a 50MP sensor, which is likely going to be the primary sensor.
The device appears to have an LED light strip around its camera module in the rear. At the front, we can see that there's a punch-hole cutout at the top center for the selfie camera. Lava has not given any other details of this smartphone, and just said that it is coming soon. We don't expect Lava to offer a premium or even a mid-range phone. This new device is also expected to compete under the budget category, and the integration of a 50MP sensor at an affordable price point will be an interesting combination.
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Lava Blaze Duo 5G
Lava recently launched the Lava Blaze Duo 5G. It is an affordable 5G phone for the Indian market which is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7025 chipset and features a 64MP primary sensor at the rear paired with a 2MP secondary sensor. So clearly, it is not the first time Lava is integrating a high MP (megapixel) camera on its device. Flor selfies, there's a 16MP sensor at the front. The Blaze Duo 5G runs on Android 14 out of the box and has a 5000mAh battery. The price of Lava Blaze Duo 5G at the time of writing this is Rs 16,999.
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