Cloud communications platform Infobip has reported a surge in communications during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Cyber Week, with India emerging as a key growth market for Rich Communication Services (RCS) and WhatsApp interactions. On Black Friday, the platform recorded 3.4 billion interactions globally, a 26 percent increase from last year. Cyber Week (Friday, November 29 to Monday, December 2) saw an even more 41 percent rise in interactions compared to 2023, Infobip said in a recent statement.
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India Leads in RCS and WhatsApp Engagement
India's growth was especially notable, with RCS interactions soaring by 1162 percent and WhatsApp engagement up by 113 percent on Black Friday. On Cyber Monday, RCS surged by 1455.2 percent, and WhatsApp grew by 74.7 percent. According to the report, the momentum continued through Cyber Week, with RCS interactions rising by 542.59 percent and WhatsApp by 111.14 percent.
RCS: A Game-Changer
Infobip stated that RCS, offering enhanced multimedia capabilities, is rapidly becoming a preferred channel for brands seeking personalised, engaging customer experiences. Globally, RCS interactions increased by 394 percent on Black Friday and 349 percent during Cyber Week, reinforcing its position as a key tool for retailers. The Retail and eCommerce and Finance sectors saw significant year-on-year growth, with interactions up 42 percent and 35 percent, respectively.
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Harsha Solanki, VP GM - Asia at Infobip, highlighted the growing importance of RCS, stating, "This Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we saw a four-fold increase in RCS interactions in India – a testament to the growing preference for conversational engagement. As customers demand more meaningful and seamless experiences, RCS has proven to be a game-changer, driving sales, offering end-to-end journeys, and enhancing customer satisfaction throughout the shopping period.
"In today's cost-conscious and digitally-driven market, adopting RCS is not just an option – it's essential for businesses looking to stay ahead and meet the evolving needs of their customers," Solanki added.